Outdoor Biophilic Cafe Design

[video data-wpid="440" src="https://bali-interiors.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/vid_20200703_153743.mp4" class="size-full"]Looking for ideas how to set up your cafe for covid19 safe environment?Here is some ideas on how to create a beautiful biophilic cafe interior design that allows people to dine outdoor.If you have some space in front of the building, set up some patio cafe with semi permanent wooden piles and woven roofing. That might help with summer heat yet bringing outdoor ambiance.Convo us at mybaliliving@gmail.com on how to get this wooden patio with bamboo roofing and natural furnitures and decor suitable for outdoor use. And let's be safe during this pandemic season.


Ideas to design outdoor dining with biophilic cafe design and open safe your cafe


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